When it comes to searching for something on the internet, think about how you word your search queries. For example, if you are searching for a chair for your computer desk, you are unlikely to search just “chair.” That will get you a lot of hits but it is much less likely to to show you what you want. So you start to narrow down your search to something closer to what you want like “computer desk chair” or maybe even more specifically “black tall back computer chair.” Now you are more likely to find a chair that is very close to what you are looking for. These phrases you are searching with are examples of long tail keywords.
Long Tail Keywords: The Key to Connecting With Customers
Long tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that people searching the internet will use when they are close to a decision like a purchase, when they know what they want to see or when they are using assisted browsing like voice searching. These keywords are very valuable as not only is a visitor that has a specific search in mind more likely to follow through on interacting with your business, they are also keywords that are sometimes easier to rank for on Google through search engine optimization (SEO).
Broad terms are often difficult to rank for with SEO and more expensive to bid on with Google Ads. You might struggle against bigger businesses with more budget and manpower than you can possibly muster. Therefore, the smart play is to mitigate the risk of fighting over the big, broad keywords and focus at least some resources on more attainable niches.
Benefits of Long Tail Keywords
So what are the benefits of long tail keywords? After all, they lack the immediacy of click based advertising or the larger search volume of broad keyword SEO, sometimes called main or head keywords. Long tail keywords, however, have their own advantages such as:
- How People Search – Long tail keywords are how many people search the internet. Making sure you have content that can pick up those more specific searches can help you get more sales and quality leads.
- Better Conversion Rates – Since long tail keywords target more detailed and exact search terms, you are more likely to grab people who are ready to engage or buy. Long tail keywords often have higher conversion rates than shorter and more general keyword searches.
- Cheaper Than Main Keywords – Competing for ad space or search rankings on main keywords can be very competitive and thus costly. Going the road less traveled can mean you get better visibility in keywords relevant to your business while spending less.
- Establish Your Niche – Targeting long tail keywords can help you hone in on customers. Creating a group of relevant content that focuses on your businesses strongest aspects can drive lots of traffic even if the keywords are niche.
- Rank Higher for Short Keywords – Targeting a bunch of long tail keywords that relate to a broad keyword can help you rank higher for that shorter keyword. Think of the long tail keywords as satellites orbiting that broad keyword, each increasing the signal you send out.
- Voice Search – Voice search is becoming more and more prevalent. Many voice searches are done in the form of long tail keywords. Make sure your business is ready for this technological shift with smartly optimized content.
Have Questions about Long Tail Keywords?
Long tail keywords are a cost effective way to drive your business and to attract customers that are more likely to want to engage your products or services. They may not get the traffic of broad keywords, but the return on investment often more than makes up for it. If you are thinking about starting a long tail keyword campaign or have more questions about what such a campaign would look like then contact JSMT Media so we can start constructing a plan of action today.